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100-1000KW induction heating equipment

100-1000KW induction heating equipment 

If you need 100-1000KW induction heating equipment,then Forever Furnace can help you.Please see the following introduction for induction heating equipment.


1.Medium frequency induction heating equipment: current frequency is 500-10000 Hz; power range is 100-1000 kW; can get 3-6mm deep hardening layer; our induction induction heat treatment equipment is mainly used for the work piece that need deep hardening layer such as  engine crankshaft, camshaft, big modulus gear, the larger size of shaft.

2.High frequency induction heating equipment: current frequency is 80-1000 kHz; power range is 5-500kW and can get surface hardening layer depth of  0.1-3 mm; mainly for small modulus gear and shaft surface hardening.

3.Ultra audio frequency induction heating equipment: current frequency is 50 Hz; the power range is 50-4000 kW;can get more than 10-15mm of the hardening layer. Used for large diameter steel diathermy or large work piece surface hardening.

This article is from Forever Furnace-copper heat treatment  furnace producer and exporter.

Post time: 06-03-2016