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Induction heat treatment furnace type selection

Induction heat treatment furnace type selection


The industrial induction heat treatment furnace type should choose according to different process requirement.Here Forever Furnace gives you an easy introduction for your reference.


1.For small quantity work piece which has different size,and the process requirement is universal, you can choose box type furnace.

2.For long shaft and long wire rod heating,you can choose deep well type electric furnace.

3.For small batch of carburizing parts, you can use the well type gas carburizing furnace.

4.For large quantities of automobile and tractor gears production,you can choose continuous carburizing production line or box multi-purpose furnace.

5.For small parts such as screws, nuts and other optional shaker,you can use  hearth furnace or mesh belt furnace. 

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Post time: 04-18-2016