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Mining grinding ball equipment price

Mining grinding ball equipment price

Mining grinding ball equipment is non-standard product, so the price can not confirmed. Different device and configuration has different price. Please specifying the equipment configuration and raw material parameters, then our factory engineer will give the best solution and the factory price for mining grinding ball equipiment.But one thing we can tell you,that is the power can have big effect on the equipment price.Then what factor can effect equipment power?


1. Characteristics of powder mill grinding materials. Such as material hardness, grindability and grinding size, requirements of the ground material etc..

2.Mill  technical parameters, such as the length, diameter, rotating speed, position, length of each bin and shape of the mill tube.

3. The shape, size, gradation and filling of the grinding body.

4. The ventilation condition of the mill.

5.The feeding amount and the uniform condition of the mill.

This article is from Forever Furnace-induction heating equipment supplier.Please visit our website:

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Post time: 04-26-2016