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The attentions of steel ball hot rolling production line operation

The attentions of steel ball hot rolling production line operation


Steel ball hot rolling production line can have longer service life and running steadily only in proper environment. In order to operate steel ball hot rolling production line safely,we have to satisfy the following requirements:

steel ball hot rolling equipment

1. The environment temperature range: 5℃—40℃

2.The relative temperature of the surrounding environment is not more than 90% (25 ℃).

3.No more than 1000 meters above sea level.

4.Around the equipment no conductive dust, explosive gas and harmful to metal and corrosive gas insulation.

5.No obvious vibration and bumps.

6.The temperature of the cooling water is in the range of 5℃ and 30 ℃. Water hardness requirements do not exceed 8 degrees, turbidity is not greater than 5 degrees, pH is typically 6.5 – 8.5 range.

7.The three-phase power supply fluctuation is not higher than 5%.

This article is from Forever Furnace.More details about Heating furnace for steel ball hot rolling , please contact us.

Post time: 03-10-2016