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The cooling water requirement for induction heating equipment

The cooling water requirement for induction heating equipment


Forever Furnace induction heating equipment includes IF power supply, induction furnace, connection wire, PLC console. If the user need, we can also provide the cooling water system. If you need complete induction heating equipment or has trouble in operating induction heating equipment, please feel free to contact us.

Here we would like to tell you some knowledge for the cooling water requirement for induction heating equipment.

(a) PH value:6-8

(b) Resistivity: 20KΩ-cm

(c) No sand or sundry

(d) Temperature of input water:+5℃-+30℃

(e) Hydraulic pressure of input water: 0.12-0.15Mpa

(f) Water capacity :5ton/h for capacitor supply cabinet.

(g) Each input water pipe should be equipped with water valve and hydraulic pressure meter in order to control the hydraulic pressure.

This article is from Forever-steel ball hot rolling production line  supplier. 

More product information: Induction hardening furnace,  Induction tempering furnace, Induction heat treatment furnace 

Post time: 05-26-2016