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What is advantage of induction heating equipment?

What is advantage of induction heating equipment?


What is advantage of induction heating equipment? Why induction heating equipment is popular in the world? And how much do you know about induction heating equipment?

The following is the advantages of Forever Furnace induction heating equipment:

1.  The heating quality of induction heating is good, which can achieve the forging or forgings heat treatment  temperature with uniform heating, less oxidation and burning loss and decarburization.

2 Induction heating equipment heating speed is fast , which can meet the production capacity with a high production capacity of the unit area.
3. The heat efficiency of induction heating is high.

4 .Induction heating equipment structure is simple, compact, low cost.The refractory materials and other material consumption is less.
5.Induction heating equipment has long life.
6 .Induction heating equipment working condition is good;the operation and maintenance is convenient to achieve mechanization, automation operation.

7.Induction heating equipment noise is low; the harmful gas and the smoke and dust are very little.

This article is from Forever Furnace-steel wire heating furnace supplier. More information about induction heat treatment furnace, please contact us.

Post time: 06-07-2016