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Working principle of steel billet heating furnace

Working principle of steel billet heating furnace


You are using steel billet heating furnace in your factory, but do you know the working principle of steel billet heating furnace? Working principle of steel billet heating furnace consists of three major process.
1.The induction current produced by steel billet heating furnace will transform electrical energy into heat energy to heat metal material work piece or molten steel through overcoming the burden of resistance.

2.When the frequency current get through the induction coil,there is alternating magnetic field synchronized with the current in the induction coil and around the induction coil.Alternating magnetic field lines get through the furnace body and be cut.The strength of the magnetic field depends on the current intensity, frequency, number of turns and geometry of the coil.

3. Magnetic field lines penetrate the metal charge in the crucible and cut. So in a loop in the furnace induction current is generated.

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Post time: 03-21-2016